Postal Address:

Unit 10 110 Hull Rd Croydon VIC. 3136


0438 948 994


0458 775 954


Supportive Families & Friends Association for residents in Specialist Disability Accommodation in Victoria

Supportive Families and Friends Association Inc is a not-for-profit association, representing and supporting families and friends with a family member living in Specialist Disability Accommodation in Victoria. We are concerned with the effects of the NDIS rollout and the service providers in the group houses. We will advocate our concerns with the Victorian Minister for Disability, senior representatives in DFFH, CAV and NDIA. We continue to have meetings with the Public Advocate, NDS, Service Providers and HACSU. We are represented on Victorian NDIS Community Advisory Council (VCAC)


Disability Advocacy Network Australia

DANA does not provide direct support with individual advocacy. Our organisation works alongside Australian state and territory advocacy networks and the peak organisations for people with disabilities, meaning that we can provide you with contact details for advocacy organisations around Australia.

About Us

ABN 20 573 694 289 Certification: A0054503Z

Supportive Families and Friends Association Inc is an incorporated not-for-profit association. ABN 20 573 694 289. It represents and supports families and friends with a family member living in Specialist Disability Accommodation in Victoria.

We were formed over 11 years ago at a forum for families in the East. We are now more concerned with the effects of the NDIS rollout on residential conditions for people living in disability groups homes, particularly those funded by the NDIS. Examples of these are the five service providers appointed by the Victorian Government to which DHHS transferred all their staff and residents  These were Life without Barriers, Home@Scope, Melba, Aruma and House with no Steps. There are other Disability accommodation providers and family members are welcomed to join our Association too.

Our members have told us that not all group houses are running as well as they could.

We have advocated our concerns with the Minister for Disability over many years. We have also communicated with senior representatives in the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness, and Housing (DFFH) and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). 

Our concerns include, but are not limited to:

  1. SDA Residency Agreements
  2. 2. SIL Quotes
  3. Residential Tenancies Act 1997 and the Disability Service Safeguard Act 2018
  4. Vacancy Management
  5. Lack of transparency about contract performance by service providers
  6. Safeguards in SDA homes and with Supported Independent Living (SIL) staff
  7. Disability transport in SDA homes 

We did represent our members on the Victorian Government NDIS Implementation Group and the Government’s Stakeholder Advisory Forum. We also continue to have meetings with the Public Advocate, Consumer Affairs VIC and housing service providers.  We are presently represented on the Victorian NDIS Community Advisory Council (VCAC)

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) are homes where disabled people who are funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can live. SDA funding is through their NDIS plans. Participants who live in SDA (formerly known as group homes, Community Residential Units (CRU) or supported disability housing) also get funding for support by staff in the house. This is called NDIS Supported Independent Living (SIL) funding.

Contact Info

Postal Address:

Unit 10 110 Hull Rd Croydon VIC. 3136


0438 948 994


0458 775 954



Are held bi-monthly and alternate between afternoons and evenings at Nadraca 52-62 Rooks Rd Nunawading.

Membership Form


Membership Form


$5.00/year (concession)

Bank details:
BSB 083 210
Acc. # 179859084.
Please put your name as reference.
Email info to